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Acupower Jira Integration

Elevate your project management capabilities with AcuPowerJira, the ultimate integration solution designed for businesses that utilize both Acumatica and Jira. This powerful tool bridges the gap between your project management and ERP systems, streamlining workflows, and enhancing productivity across teams.

With AcuPowerJira, you'll discover a suite of features tailored to maximize efficiency and project oversight. Key benefits include:

- **Easy Authorization Setup**: Choose between basic and OAuth 2.0 for quick integration setup, allowing you to get started in just a few minutes.
- **Customizable Integration Preferences**: Tailor your experience by adding projects to an ignore list, ensuring only relevant data is synchronized between Jira and Acumatica.
- **Advanced Time Log Management**: Allocate time logs to specific earning types based on custom fields or issue keys in Jira, offering unparalleled flexibility in project accounting.
- **User and Employee Mapping**: Seamlessly link Jira users to corresponding employee records in Acumatica, simplifying user management across platforms.
- **Automated Worklog Synchronization**: Automate the transfer of logs from Jira to Acumatica, ensuring all project-related activities are accurately captured and accounted for.
- **Intuitive Project and Task Mapping**: Configure how projects and tasks in Jira correspond to those in Acumatica, with options for both direct project-to-project mapping and more granular issue-to-task alignment.
- **Efficient Time Card Synchronization**: Convert Jira logs into Acumatica time cards, streamlining the billing and payroll processes.
- **Comprehensive Utilization Reports**: Gain insights into project performance, resource allocation, and productivity with detailed utilization reports that can be customized to your needs.

AcuPowerJira is not just a tool; it's a solution designed to enhance your project management strategy, offering you the clarity and control needed to lead your projects to success. Whether you're looking to improve project visibility, optimize resource allocation, or simply enhance the collaboration between your project management and ERP systems, AcuPowerJira provides the features and flexibility you need.

Discover how AcuPowerJira can transform your project management approach. Visit us on the Acumatica Marketplace for more information and to request a personalized demo. Take the first step towards streamlined project management today.

Key features

  • Authorization support
  • Integration Preferences
  • Time Log Management
  • User and Employee Mapping
  • Worklog Synchronization
  • Project and Task Mapping
  • Time Card Synchronization
  • Utilization Reports

About Acupower LTD

AcuPower LTD is Acumatica VAR and ISV solutions provider.
At the middle of 2024 our team has 40 people, and consists of Certified Acumatica developers, Business analysts, Test SDK specialists and so on.
Our team has thousands of hours of experience in integrating Acumatica with other tools, or adding complicated business logic to Acumatica for plenty of niches.
We\'ve dealt with construction, field service, distribution, ecommerce and other editions of Acumatica.


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