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Inter-tenant Intercompany Accounting Solution

Inter-Tenant Intercompany Accounting manages automated multi-tenant/company operations and accounting across all combinations of multiple tenants with multiple companies and branches, and also tenants with multiple companies/branches, multiple companies, and single operating companies and their branches.

Inter-Tenant Intercompany Accounting supports multiple base currencies and streamlines inventory movements across entities. It automates associated inter-tenant buy/sell transactions (“due-to, due-forms”). And supports all combinations of (non-inventory related) accounting including centralized payables where bills on behalf of many or all tenants/companies are made by a parent or pier company and allocated across all others, plus receivables where the application and process of receipts for many or all tenants/companies are made from a designated company. Core to Acumatica, Inter-Tenant Intercompany Accounting supports intuitive dashboards.

With Inter-Tenant Intercompany Accounting, your organization gets a fully automated inter-tenant and multiple company solution for all accounting activities including ordering and inventory, financial transactions, invoicing and collections, centralized cash management, report consolidation, purchase approvals across companies, and much more.

  • Fulfilled by ISV
  • Built on Acumatica xRP Platform
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Key features

  • “True” Multi Inter-Tenants and Inter Companies Module.
  • Full, inter-tenants/companies order, inventory and financials automated transaction functionality.
  • Supports multiple base currencies and fiscal calendars.
  • Inter-Tenant/Company Sales and Inventory Management: initiate orders from one company that are invoiced and collected by a centralized accounting team from a different company.
  • Let companies make purchase goods and services that are approved and paid for by others.
  • Inter-Tenant/Company Financials: allocate accounting transactions among companies for shared activities and perform allocations automatically.
  • Auto “Do-To’s and Do From’s.” Centralize cash management, vendor payments, customer invoicing , etc.
  • Inter-Tenant/Company Reporting: maintain individual ledgers yet report across multiple companies and, if desired, automatically eliminate inter-company transactions.
  • Generate consolidated reports that reflect company wide results.
  • Inter-Tenant/Company Management: create roles that have access to specific companies and the associated transactions, and reduce potential errors by allowing interco transactions for (only) specific accounts.
  • Plus, preset allocation templates allow for quick apportionment to multiple tenants.

About Advanced Solutions and Consulting Co

Advanced Solutions & Consulting Co. (ASC) is a founding Acumatica VAR with MVP status. We deliver ISV solutions that save serious time and money for supply chain and accounting applications. Our solutions are written in native Acumatica xRP. They address complex ERP requirements extending Acumatica’s market breadth and competitiveness.

ASC augments Acumatica with elegant solutions that monitor and automate ERP functions to improve Acumatica’s competitive landscape and save customers (and their VAR’s) serious time and money.

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