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Investments Assets

Investment Assets allows for users to automate investment asset accounting processes. Previously created for GP, Investment Assets has moved to the bright, modern age on Acumatica and provides a full sub-ledger for investment assets held by an organization.

Organizations holding investment assets that fluctuate in value over time realize how much effort it is to manually record purchases/sales of those investments, manually look up the values of those investments at various in points in time, and manually calculate general ledger adjustments for unrealized gains/losses in order to comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or FASB 124. Investment Assets makes this process smoother with automation.

  • Fulfilled by ISV
  • Connected with Acumatica
Industry Served
Financial Services
Benefits for Your Business

Key features

  • Tracks purchases and sales of investment assets by trading accounts (which can be summarized by custodian, manager, fund, or fund type).
  • Automated update of investment portfolio market values from internet download or file import.
  • Generates unrealized gain/loss GL journal entries for FASB 124 or GAAP compliance (Mark-to-market or Lower of Cost or Market).
  • Automatically calculates short-term vs. long-term capital gains.
  • Automates bond amortizations and interest accruals.
  • Record trading account cash transactions live dividends, interest received, management fees, etc.

About ICAN Software

 Founded in 1999 and located in Tacoma, WA, ICAN Software Solutions has been a reseller of Acumatica since 2012, but only recently moved into the ISV world.

We design products that help automate business functions to save customers time and money. You can find more of their Acumatica add-in products at icancloudapps.com/ican-products-acumatica/.



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