Powered by Information Integration Group

AcuContainer - Container Tracking

IIG’s Acuboost “Container Tracking” powered by Acumatica allows companies to view inventory in transit by allowing users to create container information tracking transactions. Items in transit can be easily loaded from existing purchase orders into container transactions created by selecting an entire purchase orders, specific lines of a purchase order, or partial quantity of a purchase order line.

Users are able to track the container status using user defined container status codes such as; on the water, customs, in land transit, foreign dock. In addition, this enhancement allows for easily tracking of the expected and actual departure & arrival dates, payment due date as well as custom & duty information.

The landed costs info is entered at the container level and are allocated to each item in the container. Landed Costs are loaded into created Receipts of Goods transactions for the container.

  • Built on Acumatica xRP Platform
Industry Served
Cross industries or Distribution

Key features

  • Creation of Container / Landed Cost transaction based on vessel's bill of lading
  • Loading of all or selected items from purchase orders in full or partially into the created Container transaction
  • Allocate landed cost expenses entered for each container to items in the container
  • Generate purchase receipt transactions based on container level receipts

About Information Integration Group

Information Integration Group, Inc. (IIG) has over 25 years of experience advising and supplying small and medium sized businesses with the proper ERP systems and custom software solutions to fit their company’s needs. We have a talented group of consultants and professionals that can take a comprehensive look at the needs of your business and make sound recommendations based on their findings. Contact us today to get started and take advantage of Cloud solutions to grow your success. We specialize in Acumatica as well as the corresponding Software Enhancements known as Acuboost.



Datasheet Oct 2022

Customer Reviews

Di Meglio Sébastien, Mr.
ACCEO Solutions Inc.
Excellent solution, excellent partner
December 19th, 2024

When our customer asked for a container tracking solution, without hesitation we chose IIG as a partner and we were not disappointed. They provide excellent solutions and excellent service. I strongly recommend them.

De La Rosa, Eddie
Complete visibility of Items in Transit
June 26th, 2023

Based on our previous experience with IIG we opted to go with the IIG Container Tracking Module. Tracking our products from our overseas vendors has been like night and day. We receive about seventy-five containers from overseas vendors in a four month period. We used to track what items were on each container manually external from Acumatica, this was a tedious time consuming process.

With IIG’s Container Tracking Module we can see what PO and Partial PO line items are on each container. Tracking a container on a specific vessel in real time is a click away, no more going to a different website and enter vessel information to know where it is. These are just a couple of things that changed for us by adding Container tracking. Needless to say, we are very happy with the product. Phase two for us will be implementing its landed cost capabilities.

Davies Michael, Mr.
Kensium LLC
Ideal Solution
December 30th, 2022

Adding IIG's Container Tracking to Acumatica is an easy choice when our clients have advanced landed cost requirements and the need for better visibility and tracking of containers. It’s a bonus that the IIG team is easy to work with, with top-notch sales support.

Gadbois, Jessica
WM Synergy LLC
Fits our need perfectly
May 16th, 2022

As an Acumatica partner, we come across many customers who require advanced landed cost tracking for their containers, visibility into where containers are in their shipping process, as well as consolidation of multiple POs into these containers. The IIG Container Management add-on has fit this need perfectly for our customer.

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