Powered by Information Integration Group

Item Grouping / Kit Processing in SO

Item Grouping Enhancement developed by Information Integration Group, Inc. (IIG) allows companies to Group items for ease of loading the grouped items into Sales Order Transactions processed. The UOM, Quantity, Unit Price or set as Free Item can be set each specific stock item grouped. This enhancement support the grouping both Stock and Non-stock items. Items can be grouped as Customers Frequently Buy or Grouped together when sold types. Enhancement can be setup to auto load the grouped items or prompting the user to load the selected item in the sales order transaction. Enter grouped items in Stock and Non-stock forms using the added Item Groups tab. Flag grouped items as Customer Frequently Buy or Grouped when sold types. Enter Unit of Measure, Quantity, Unit Price (or Free Item) setting for each Stock and Non-stock item grouped. An added option to Sales Order form allows for user prompt or auto-loading of grouped items. Option for auto-deleting or user prompt based deletion of group items from the sales order.

  • Built on Acumatica xRP Platform
Industry Served

Key features

  • Allows companies to group items for ease of loading the grouped items into sales order transactions
  • Stock and Non-stock items can be grouped as Customers Frequently Buy or Grouped when sold types
  • Setup allows for auto loading grouped items or prompting the user to load the selected item in the sales order transaction
  • • Specify Unit of Measure, Quantity and Unit Price for grouped stock and non-stock items.

About Information Integration Group

Information Integration Group, Inc. (IIG) has over 25 years of experience advising and supplying small and medium sized businesses with the proper ERP systems and custom software solutions to fit their company’s needs. We have a talented group of consultants and professionals that can take a comprehensive look at the needs of your business and make sound recommendations based on their findings. Contact us today to get started and take advantage of Cloud solutions to grow your success. We specialize in Acumatica as well as the corresponding Software Enhancements known as Acuboost.



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