Acumatica Offers

Exclusive limited-time offers from Acumatica.
APEX for Construction

APEX for Construction

Packaged software, implementation services, and support for Construction

  • Get a clear roadmap to success, fast business value, and a predictable implementation timeline.
  • Lower the total cost of ownership with an optimized construction package that includes implementation service and support.
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Special Offer for New Acumatica Customers

Q1 Special Offer

New Acumatica Customers Offer

  • 15% off your Acumatica software subscription — including all add-on modules at time of initial purchase!
  • * Available to NEW Acumatica customers – Limited offer. Apply now to see if you are eligible.
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Hear from our customers.

"The leadership team of any small or medium business considering an ERP system is doing themselves a great disservice if Acumatica isn’t on their list to investigate."
Bram Kleppner, CEO
Danforth Pewter
"Acumatica makes us professional, modern—on the cutting edge of ERP software."
Pat Mobilio, Owner
New England Tile

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