Automated Data Capture for Manufacturers

How can this technology help you streamline warehouse and shop floor data collection? Find out now.

Automated Data Capture for Manufacturers
This playbook provides manufacturers with an overview of available ADC technologies and a framework for planning and executing ADC implementation projects to streamline warehouse and shop floor data collection.

For manufacturing businesses like yours, automated data capture isn’t just a way to save time for your staff. It also helps prevent manual data entry errors—and can even enhance your customer service by allowing you to manage inventory from a single location.

Explore the benefits of automated data capture (ADC) before your competitors do. This playbook from Acumatica will get you started.

In this playbook, you’ll find out:

  • Four easy steps to success with ADC.
  • What recent advances in ADC technology can mean for your business.
  • How to determine where you are in your data capture journey.
  • Why a modern ERP is the foundation to your ADC success.
  • The four key phases to any ADC implementation.

You’ll also learn how to achieve automated efficiency with Acumatica. This practical, easy-to-read playbook will accelerate your path to greater automation throughout your manufacturing operations.

This playbook is offered by Acumatica, a leading provider of cloud business management software that gives mid-sized companies a complete, real-time view of their businesses—anytime, anywhere.

Get free playbook now!