Acumatica Summit 2023—with its great venue, cutting-edge cloud ERP sessions, and fun social activities—has wrapped, and was truly a celebration of all that is great about the Acumatica Community.
CEO John Case, in his inaugural Summit Keynote, put it best when introducing Acumatica’s rally cry of “Building the Future of Business Together.”
Every company says they have a great community. Every company says, ‘Ours is different, our ecosystem is thriving.’ And some of those stories stretch the truth. But at Acumatica, that story is so real.
And this is nowhere no more apparent than in the actions of our international network of dedicated and expert Acumatica Partners. From the very beginning, we’ve relied on our Value Added Resellers (VARs) to be the exclusive sellers and implementers of our cloud ERP software and on our Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to produce innovative third-party applications found within our Acumatica Marketplace.
Acumatica VARs are the essential ambassadors of our advanced cloud ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) technology. They develop strategic initiatives for getting the best ERP solution into the hands of our customers, for supporting those customers throughout their digital transformations, and for ensuring those customers are able to turn their businesses into agile, growing organizations.
We appreciate and thank every Acumatica partner for their hard work, but there are a select few Acumatica partners that went above and beyond in growing their business and helping our customers. These partners have earned special recognition as an Acumatica Cloud ERP Award recipient for their exceptional performances.
We revealed our Acumatica Cloud ERP 2023 Award finalists right before Summit and I had the pleasure of announcing the following partner and ISV—and valued developer and customer—winners during the Summit’s Partner General Session.
Partner of the Year
The Partner of the Year is a recognition of the partner that has the highest combination of new customer additions, customer renewals, overall revenue contribution to Acumatica, and customer satisfaction score.
The winner is: SWK Technologies, Inc.
International Partner of the Year
The International Partner of the Year is recognition of the international partner outside of North America that has the highest combination of new customer additions, customer renewals, overall revenue contribution to Acumatica, and customer satisfaction score.
The winner is: Cedar Bay
ISV Partner of the Year
The ISV Partner of the Year Award recognizes a partner whose certified Always Current solution(s) generated the largest deal expansion revenue ratio in a calendar year.
The winner is: eWorkplace Apps
Acumatica Innovation Award
The Acumatica Innovation Award recognizes the partner whose ISV solution was launched with an innovative go-to-market strategy based on strong development, high customer satisfaction, and efforts to reach new markets.
The Winner is: Velixo
VAR and ISV Excellence Awards
Rookie of the Year
The Rookie of the Year Partner Excellence Award recognizes the partner who has the most number of deals in the first year as a partner.
The winner is: CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
The Cloud Adoption Excellence Award (Growth) recognizes the partner with the largest percentage (or number) of year-over-year growth.
The winner is: Synergy Resources LLC
True North Partner
The True North Partner Award is awarded to a small to medium sized partner whose sales and customer service demonstrate excellence against key Acumatica KPIs, including, but not limited to CSAT, high close rate, strong ASP, superior customer retention and growth.
The winner is: Somerset CPAs and Advisors
xRP Platform
The Acumatica xRP Platform Excellence Award recognizes the innovative ADN Level 2 or 3 ISV partner who has demonstrated a strong commitment to customer success and the future of technology.
The winner is: SPS Commerce, Inc.
The Acumatica Development Excellence Award recognizes the ISV partner who has applied technology and an innovative development mindset to challenge market norms.
The winner is: Hotel Investor Apps
Quick Start
The Acumatica Quick Start Excellence Award recognizes the ISV partner who developed an Acumatica Marketplace solution that generated outstanding sales in 2022.
The winner is: WorkForce Go!
Industry-Specific Excellence Awards
The Partner Excellence Awards recognize the partners who sold the most industry Editions in 2023 while achieving a high customer satisfaction score.
The winners are:
Manufacturing Partner: Blytheco LLC
Construction Partner: The Answer Company
Retail Partner: Kensium Solutions LLC
Distribution Partner: NexVue Information Systems
Additionally, Acumatica recognized two smaller partners across the four industry Editions for their excellence.
The winners are:
Manufacturing Partner: Mayer Group
Distribution Partner: Mindover Corp.
Presidents Club
The Acumatica Presidents Club is a prestigious award that is given to the most successful Acumatica Gold Certified VAR partners and the most elite ISV and OEM partners.
The 2023 winners are: Aktion Associates; Blytheco LLC; Clients First Business Solutions; Crestwood Associates; eWorkplace Apps, LLC; High Touch Technologies; Kensium Solutions LLC; Mayer Group; NetatWork; NexTec Group; Somerset CPAs and Advisors; SPS Commerce, Inc.; Strategies Group; SWK Technologies, Inc.; The Answer Company; WorkForceGo.
Developer of the Year
Brian Stevens, SETECH Supply Chain Solutions, LLC
Customer Awards
Customer of the Year
The Customer of the Year Award recognizes an organization that is fully using the Acumatica solution to create significant business value, contributes positively to the Community and pushes Acumatica to make the whole Community better..
The winner is: Avante Health Solutions
Impact Customer of the Year
Acumatica is proud of the many organizations that use our product to do amazing work in our communities. Each year we recognized and award one organization The Impact Customer of the Year based on how they are using Acumatica to make a real difference.
The winner is: LifeSource
Acumatica Community: Building Success Together
It’s because of partners, customers, and developers like these that the Acumatica Community continues to thrive—even during economic turmoil and in the face of unprecedented challenges. We’re thankful for our partners’ passion for growing and supporting their customer base, our developers’ relentless innovative efforts, and our customers’ continuing trust.
Together, we’ve built—and continually enhance—a strong foundation for a successful future.
If you would like to learn more about becoming an Acumatica VAR, about our no-compete partnership through our award-winning Acumatica Partner Program (which offers excellent training, ongoing support, and the industry’s most generous margins and terms), or have questions about Acumatica’s cloud ERP software, please contact our team today.