Enhanced Reporting with Drill-Down Capabilities
Generate time-sensitive, multi-currency financial reports across companies in a few steps and drill down to underlying sources.
Multiple Base Currency Management
Conduct business internationally, manage international subsidiaries, and support multiple base currencies. Maintain different base currencies for multi-national companies in the same place (or tenant) and support multiple financial processes, including cross-border intercompany transactions, consolidated reports with source drill-down, auto-generated sub-ledgers activities, and in-country financial and tax reporting.
Automated Buy/Sell and Relationships Across Borders (Between Entities)
Maintain multi-currency companies on one tenant. Leverage intercompany functionality to automate cross-border, intercompany transactions in different base currencies. Note: Users in one nation can see customers in another country. However, they must create transactions for customers in a branch and currency native to them.
Multi-Currency Item Pricing
Share inventory and non-stock items between companies with in-currency pricing and standard costs.
Centralized Maintenance of Client, Vendor, and Item Data
Centralize and share one version of customer, vendor, and item information across companies and nations on one centralized tenant and database.
Centralized Purchasing and Invoicing
Centralize purchasing and invoicing through integrated Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Sales Order Management. Purchase items and create sales orders in related companies with appropriate approvals.
Centralized Approvals
Initiate transactions in any country and collaborate with approvers in a different country.