Acumatica Virtual Developer Conference 2022

Acumatica Cloud xRP Summit 2022

Our 6th Annual Virtual Developer Conference

Our Virtual Developer Conference that was held this past June 15th & 16th has come to a conclusion for another year!

The Acumatica Virtual DevCon is an annual two half-day virtual developer conference that provides our developer community with the deep knowledge & tools they need to build great applications & integrations, fully utilizing Acumatica’s cloud xRP platform.

The event included topics on the xRP Framework, Web Services, as well as the sessions on Acumatica Developer Fundamentals, Workflow, and Performance. As always, the DevCon was anchored by Mike Shchelkonogov, Chief Technology Officer – and one of our Founders – discussing our developer roadmap.

All the slides, sample code, and recorded sessions are now available!  Simply go to each of the sessions you are interested in below and expand the session by clicking on the blue arrow.

To view this year’s content, simply scroll down and click on the session you are interested in and you will see the content below the description of the session as it becomes available.

2022 Conference Sessions

To view content, simply expand each session for a brief description, presentation slides, and links to any sample code demonstrated.

9:00 am
9:30 am
Ali Jani
Ali Jani
Kick-off & Welcome

Ali kicked off this year’s DevCon as the keynote speaker, setting the stage with an overview of Acumatica’s developer platform & strategy, demonstrating some of the key technologies used by Acumatica that provide a wide array of opportunities for developers in building great solutions for their customers.

Session Slides

9:30 am
10:30 am
Nayan Mansinha
Nayan Mansinha
xRP Framework Fundamentals & Best Practices

Kicking off the sessions, Nayan presented the fundamentals of the xRP Framework and updated the audience on the feature & functionality enhancements over the past year.

Session Slides

10:40 am
11:40 am
Samuel-Oliver Lavigueur
Samuel-Oliver Lavigueur
Web Services

Samuel-Olivier provides an overview and update on our Web Services capabilities as well as provide the fundamental background and tools to provide integration with your applications and other third-Party applications.

Session Slides

Postman Collection use in this presentation

11:50 am
12:50 pm
Sergey Nikomarov
Sergey Nikomarov
Acumatica Developer Fundamentals - Part One

This year our theme for day one is Acumatica Developer Fundamentals. Besides the xRP Framework and Web Services, we are including additional fundamental developer content which will level-set and help developer efficiencies in developing Acumatica applications and integrations.

In part one, Sergey will focus on Visual Studio environment settings, VS extensions; and update attendees on the latest features of our VS extension, Acuminator.

Session Slides (Original)

Session Slides (Full)

Acumatica CodeSnippets (GitHub)

1:00 pm
2:00 pm
Evgeny Afanasiev
Evgeny Afanasiev
Acumatica Developer Fundamentals - Part Two

In part two of our Acumatica Developer Fundamentals, Evgeny and others shared sessions on Postman tips & tricks; covered Acumatica Developer Tools; and provided Deployment & Maintenance guidance.

Session Slides (Postman Tips & Tricks)

Session Slides (Acumatica Dev Tools)

Session Slides (Deployment & Maintenance)

Acumatica Postman Collection used in the session

9:00 am
9:10 am
Mark Franks
Mark Franks
Welcome & Recap of Day One

Mark kick-offed day two of our developer conference with a short recap of day one and provided a preview of the day’s sessions.

Session Slides

9:10 am
10:10 am
Gabriel Michaud
Gabriel Michaud
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

Gabriel shared his best practices on Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment of Acumatica applications.

Session Slides

Acumatica CI/CD Demo (GitHub)

10:20 am
11:20 am
Doug Johnson
Doug Johnson
Acumatica Workflow

Doug provided an overview and updated our attendees on our Workflow services engine. Alex from our platform engineering team demonstrated managing workflow in code.

Session Slides

Sample Project

Sample Code 1

Sample Code 2

11:30 pm
12:30 pm
Dmitrii Naumov
Dmitrii Naumov
Acumatica Performance Optimization Best Practices

Dmitrii shared the theoretical and practical aspects of Acumatica application performance best practices in his session.

Session Slides

12:40 pm
1:40 pm
 Mike Shchelkonogov
Mike Shchelkonogov
Acumatica Developer Roadmap

In our last session of the conference, Mike presented our latest developer roadmap and key initiatives for the Acumatica xRP Platform for 2022-2023.

Session Slides

1:40 pm
1:50 pm
Mark Franks
Mark Franks
Wrap-up & Call to Action

Mark wrapped up the virtual developer conference and gave our call-to-action for Acumatica’s developer community.