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Report with lines dupplicate IN Tran table
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Hello everybody, a few days ago I was working with a report but I saw although the information its correct, the report give me information duplicate (in disorder). I add the screenshot of relations and report:Relation Tablessomeone have idea about ho...


Create many SO Invoices from one Shipment
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Dear all,I am using Acumatica 24R2 and encountering an issue when creating an SO Invoice from a Shipment, as described below:I have a shipment with 2 lines (2 items) and would like to generate 2 SO Invoices from this shipment—one invoice containing 1...


Creating Expense Distribution Rules Between Branches
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When our company was moving into ACU supposedly we were told that Acumatica could use per-determined rules to disperse specific expenses into each of our branches.For example:Any marketing expenses will be dispersed via the followingBranch A 29%Branc...


Add Password Mask in Modern UI
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I am trying to adjust a field so that the input is masked like a password field. I have it in my classic UI customization, but I am unable to find any resources for implementing this in the modern UI.The field in question is a base field on an Acumat...


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"10 years in and still enjoying development on the Acumatica platform. Year after year... it keeps getting better. Learning and investing in this platform has been a pivotal point in my career and something I would recommend to anyone working on LOB (line-of-business) app development!"
Gabriel Michaud, Founder

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