Succession Planning In 4 Easy Steps

This Solution Brief reviews the critical nature of succession planning, the four steps to formulating the right plan for every business, and the benefit of using modern ERP applications—like Acumatica—to improve their planning.

Why Succession Planning Is Critical For Today’s Maturing Leaders
“A high proportion of small businesses are family owned. However, statistics show that only a small portion of companies successfully transition to the next generation. Further, companies without a succession plan struggle to maintain employee morale and engagement, negatively impacting sales and customer retention.”

Most business leaders understand that succession planning is essential, but many have yet to implement a succession plan. Unfortunately, they’re missing out on the many benefits, including improving employee engagement and mitigating risk. Another huge benefit? Safeguarding the future success of their business.

This Solution Brief helps businesses prepare for the future by:

  • Examining why not having a succession plan is detrimental to businesses.
  • Highlighting industry succession planning factors to consider.
  • Providing the four steps to a successful transition.
  • Advising what to do when a successor (or successors) cannot be found.
  • Offering additional strategies and tips for achieving succession planning success.

And this Solution Brief reveals how Acumatica, a future-proof cloud ERP application, can help improve the entire succession planning process. To learn more, download the complimentary Solution Brief today.

This Solution Brief is offered by Acumatica, a leading cloud business management software provider that gives mid-sized companies a complete, real-time view of their businesses—anytime, anywhere.

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